Thursday, August 14, 2014


I have a number of worries in setting out on this endeavour. First, I am not very good at running. The hardest part is going to be getting up early to run in a struggling manner before work. Second, 20 burgers is quite a lot. Last year I probably had 12-15 burgers and that was very full on. I am hoping that with the running I will be hungrier. Also, there are three weekends over the course of Burger Wellington (16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & 31) - so hopefully that will give me more time to go out and do things (like swim at Freyberg Pool) to work up an appetite. Last, I love cooking. With all this burger eating there are fewer opportunities to make dinner and lunch. Anyway, enough grumbling - it is in all senses a luxurious thing to do for two weeks. Onwards and upwards!